KULIAH TAMU “Research of Human Brain in The Age of Innovation”

Neurosciences is a science that studies the neuron system with a multidisciplinary approach. Research in this field has grown widely and made great contributions throughout the world. The multidisciplinary approach makes the development of research in the field of neuroscience very wide open. For this reason, Udayana University, especially the Faculty of Medicine, is expected to be able to play a more active role in this field

One of the tasks of educators or lecturers and students from higher education institutions in carrying out the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is to carry out research activities and produce quality research. The process of making quality research, collaborating with various disciplines and institutions, presentations, and so on is an essential requirement for intellectuals in the world of education.

Timely graduation of students, outputs in the form of quality publications, to the existence of research and writings that produce copyrights or patents will fully support the accreditation of an educational institution. Therefore, continuous guidance is needed for researchers from students, novice lecturers, and even senior lecturers who have done a lot of research to continue to improve and update their scientific abilities in conducting research in universities in various fields.

The Doctoral Study Program (S3) in Biomedical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University welcomes the needs of students and lecturers for knowledge and skills in making quality scientific works, so visiting lectures will be held with the above topics. Activities will be carried out in the form of lectures and interactive discussions that directly examine and evaluate effectively and comprehensively scientific and collaborative research from various disciplines

Date, Time      : Monday, 21 November  2022

Time                : Pukul. 10.00-13.00 WITA

Tema               : Research of human brain in the age of innovation

Place               : Hybrid (offline: Ruang Pertemuan Prof dr .IGN Ngoerah, lantai IV,      Faculty of Medicine Udayana University)

Participant      : Maximum 100 Participants, Committee, and Invitations

Link Event       : Room Webex Meeting

Resource Person Lecture 1:

Introduction lecture

Prof.Dr.dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD

Resource Person Lecture 2:

Research of Human brain in the age of inovation

Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph.D.,ABPP

Resource Person Lecture 3:

Funding Facilities and Collaborative Aspects at Udayana University
Ir. Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, ST., MSc., PhD., IPM

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Where There is a Will There is a Way